Lift Safety

Lift Safety
Riding the ski lift can be one of the best parts of the day - the views are beautiful, your legs get a rest, and you get to catch up with friends, family, or make a new friend! But, it's important (and part of Your Responsibility Code) to know how to load, ride and unload all lifts safely. Not sure what to do at a lift? Ask an attendant or ski patroller for help. Learning how to ride the lift is also one of the features of a ski lesson, and another reason it's worth discovering snow with a pro.
Lift Safety Tips
Be familiar with the type of lift you are riding, and ask for help if you need it.
Before loading, remove backpacks and secure loose items. Remove pole straps from wrists.
Look over your shoulder to watch the chair approach.
Sit all the way in the chair, with your back to the seat rest.
If the lift has a restraint bar, wait until everyone is seated, and slowly reach up and lower the bar. Do not attempt to lower the bar if you cannot reach it! Adults should always help kids to lower the bar.
Be aware of your surroundings while riding the lift. If you drop something, let it fall! You can always ask ski patrol for help retrieving the lost item.
As you approach the top terminal, prepare to raise the bar. Look for signs advising you to do so to help with your timing.
Back Packs on Lifts
Lift riders should remove backpacks to allow their back to touch the back of chair, and ensure all straps are tucked in and not dangling loose. It is the guest's responsibility to check for loose equipment before exiting the chairlift.
Packs shall be either worn as designed or removed and placed in front of or beside the rider.
There shall be no loose straps hanging from the packs. Loose straps can get caught on several different parts on the lift chair causing the rider to either be unable to load or unload properly and may cause them to become unseated.
If the pack is large enough to cause the rider to not be seated properly, the pack shall be removed and either placed in front of them or beside them on the lift chair.
If the pack is on the rider’s lap, it shall not impede the operation of the safety bar. If It does, it shall be placed next to the rider on the lift chair.
Any pack that is a sling where the main strap goes across the persons neck shall be removed prior to loading the chairlift. These can easily get caught on the chairlift and potentially cause serious harm or hang the rider as they load or unload.